Humanities and Social Sciences Series

قررت هيئة تحرير مجلة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات/ سلسلة العلوم الانسانية والاجتماعية بجلستها رقم (3/2022) في يوم الاثنين الموافق 23/5/2022 وقف استلام الابحاث لغايات التحكيم في مجال التربية لاشعار آخر


القواعد والمواصفات الفنية واخلاقيات النشر في مجلة مؤتة للبحوث والدراسات

Humanities and Social Sciences Series
Mutah Lil-Buhuth wad-Dirasat

A refereed and indexed research Journal





Prof. Ibrahim Oroud

Journal Homepage Image

Editor Message

The Journal of Mu’tah Lil-Buḥūth wad-Dirāsāt ; Humanities and Social Sciences Series , is a scholarly , peer reviewed , and an indexed scientific journal . It has been published regularly by the Deanship of Scientific Research since 1986 in one volume each year since its establishment . The volume contains (6) issues; each issue consists of (10) articles.

It is supervised by a local Editorial Board and an International Advisory Board that have specialized academians in different fields of Humanities and Social Sciences. It has an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN 1021-6804).

The Journal publishes original articles that contribute to promoting knowledge in all disciplines of Humanities and Social Sciences . All submitted manuscripts are subject to strict criteria that include technical editing and peer reviewing by two reviewers to assure research originality and validity.

The Journal has enjoyed a leading reputation locally and regionally over the past three decades .
It has become an accredited Journal for the purpose of promotion of researchers in all public and private universitie s, in Jordan in particular, and in Arab World in general. This justifies the large number of submitted papers to the Journal from various local and regional universities and institutions.

To ensure the quality of research published in the Journal, it follows strict criteria and procedures that guarantee the quality of the research product. This includes the following:

Publishing Rules

Publishing Ethics

Technical Specifications

Publication Procedures

Vol 38, No 4 (2023)

Table of Contents


Mariam Awwad Al-Ziadat, Moutssem Mahdi Abu Shattal, Muhammad Adeeb
Anoud Ziad Al-Tarawneh, Abeer Aser Alrawashdeh
عصام ناجح أبو شهاب, أنس خالد السميرات
فرحان راشد العليمات, فاطمة محمد العليمات
وليد عيد الرواضية
لينا شكري زرافيلي, سامر عبد المجيد البشابشة
فراس علي الزعبي, محمد اسماعيل الجغبير
اسماء محمد الكندي, عصام مصطفى عقلة
ياسر السيد نوير
ايمان يحيى العمري, آيات جبر نشوان