أثر القيادة الريادية على التجديد الاستراتيجي في شركة الخطوط الجوية الملكية الأردنية في الأردن
The Impact of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Strategic Renewal in the Royal Jordanian Airlines in Jordan
This study aimed at measuring the impact of entrepreneurial leadership through its dimensions (vision, proactivity, creativity, taking risks, exploitation of opportunities) on strategic renewal in Royal Jordanian airlines in Jordan. The study population consists of all directors of the senior and middle departments in the company, whose number is (353). To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive analytical method was used, in addition to the method of comprehensive survey for sample to include all the vocabulary of the study population, (304) which constitute (86.6%) of the total distributed questionnaires. After analyzing data and hypotheses using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS.22), the results indicated that the general arithmetic mean for the responses of the sample members to the paragraphs that measure the entrepreneurial leadership variable and strategic renewal variable came with a high degree of appreciation. The results also showed a statistically significant impact of entrepreneurial leadership with its combined dimensions (vision, proactivity, creativity, taking risks, exploitation of opportunities) on strategic renewal in the Royal Jordanian airlines. The study recommended continuing to exercise entrepreneurial leadership in the company with its dimensions that were addressed in the current study, and conducting more scientific studies similar to the subject of the current study in other environments.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35682/1681
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