القدرةُ التنبؤيَّةُ لأبعادِ السُّلوك الصّحي في الوُجودِ النَّفسيّ المُمتلئ لدى عيّنةٍ من النَّاجيات من سرطانِ الثَّدي في المملكةِ الأردنيةِ الهاشميَّةِ
The Predictive Ability of Health Behavior Dimensions in a Filled Psychiatric Presence Among a Sample of Breast Cancer Survivors in the Hashemit Kingdom of Jordan
This study aimed at identifying the extent of what the dimensions of health behavior account for regarding a filled psychiatric presence among a sample of breast cancer survivors in the Hashemit Kingdom of Jordan. In order to achieve the study objectives, the study was applied to a sample that consisted of (63) breast cancer survivors. Also, two scales were developed: The scale of healthy behavior and the scale of full psychological presence; their psychometric properties were verified. The study results showed that the level of healthy behavior and the full psychological presence among the female survivors of breast cancer was medium and that the dimensions of healthy behavior account for (62%) of full psychological presence among female survivors. The results showed that female survivors do not differe in the full psychological presence according to the marital status, while the married female survivors were better in healthy behavior than the unmarried ones. In the light of these results, the study recommended the necessity of paying more attention to the psychological state of the survivor women.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.35682/1177
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